Romantic Laguna Beach Engagement Session | Jennie + Trevor
During one of the hottest weekends this Summer, I escaped my desert region to the beautiful Laguna Beach for Jennie and Trevor’s engagement session. I normally get location requests for wooded areas and grassy fields but these two completely took me out of my comfort zone and I am now officially a fan of the beach again.
I met Jennie and Trevor months earlier for our first consult meeting for their 2021 wedding and I’m so happy they chose me to be their photographer. They are such genuinely nice people and I enjoyed every second I got to explore the beach with them.
With it being a Saturday during the summer, the crowds were a tough little challenge but we managed to work around the swarms of people enjoying the beautiful day. I’ve lived in California my whole life and I hate to admit this but this was only my second time ever visiting Laguna Beach and man have I been missing out on so much all these years!
We started the first half of the session on one side of Pirate’s Tower in Victoria Beach and then when that spot began to get over crowded, we made our way over to the other side of the tower which was a wise decision. There were less people, less noise and more rocks.
Besides the gorgeous views, the perfect water temperature and the nice breeze, my favorite part of this session was getting to photograph my couple just being themselves and happy. The ultimate icing on the cake was Jennie and Trevor were not afraid to get in the water in the end and just goof around with each other. This made for some very cute photos!
I am looking forward to the day when I can make my way back out to Laguna but I am more looking forward to Jennie and Trevor’s wedding next Spring! Congrats again you two!
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